Scribblenauts Outfit with Rooster Hat and Pencil

Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version. Click here for the list of dolls.

So while I promised you all four weeks of to-be-determined Halloween themes, this did leave three days at the beginning of the month, and those I promised to my husband. One of those he graciously returned for my use so I could make an October birthday dress in a timely fashion; the other two days I’m drawing as he wishes.

This first day is devoted to an outfit from the game Scribblenauts. It’s a DS puzzle game where you can solve challenges by writing almost any noun you can think of, then using it in some fashion. For example, in one level near the beginning, you have to knock over a stack of bottles without using “guns or cheating.” I created a bowling ball and tossed it at the bottles. Brian summoned a whale and dropped it directly over the stack. (We’ve been having these conversations that go like this: “How did you get past this stage? NO WAY. You can do that?” He also schooled me on proper summoning of Scribblenaut zombies…)

Anyways, this outfit belongs to the main character, Maxwell (although you can use different avatars in the game – I like running around as a bride). It’s pretty flat, but then the game is like that, so it works out well enough.

I’m sorry I didn’t post anything yesterday. I am almost all done with another paper doll, but her head is all wrong and I haven’t got it fixed to my satisfaction yet. I’ll try to put her up soon, though.

Tomorrow, we have Mega Man (OK, technically we have Sniper Joe, and probably with a cute little skirt at that). And then soon, in a surprise upset, Lord of the Rings beats fairies for week one of Halloween… For most of the time fairies had a comfortable lead. I would think some LOTR fansite linked to me, except for that I don’t see anything like that in my referrers… I guess the poll is not quite done yet, so it could still change, but I’m thinking starting next Sunday is hobbit o’clock.

Kaylee’s Pink Shindig Dress from Firefly

Click for larger version; click for the list of dolls.

Happy Valentine’s Day, paperdoll fans, and you’ve got to admit that even if it looks like it was bought in a store, this is a delightful Valentine’s dress. Brian and I have been into watching Firefly lately, and we’re almost through the series. (So please don’t spoil anything from the movie or the last few episodes just yet; I know River Tam beats up everyone but I don’t want to know any more.) Kaylee, the ship’s mechanic, falls in love with this dress and gets to wear it to a party. In this very same episode Inara wears what may be the most gorgeous dress ever, but there’s just something about this dress that’s so very Kaylee, and probably instantly recognizable to every Firefly fan.

Don’t be surprised if you see an Inara outfit here too, or two or twenty, because I swear every episode she wears something new that just bowls me over… but for now it’s all about the layer cake dress. Until I revisit the ‘verse, then, do enjoy these Firefly paper dolls. Holly also did two Kaylee outfits for one of her dolls, which you can find here and here. Thanks also to Can’t Take The Sky, a Firefly fan site with great screen captures.

Red and Yellow Raas Outfit with Mirror Embroidery and Red Dupatta

Click for larger version; click for the list of dolls.

Yesterday Brian and I went to see Dandia Dhamaka, which was an intercollegiate raas dance competition. Raas is a folk dance from the Gujarat region in western India, and it’s great, very high-energy and fun to watch. (Here’s a video of the University of Michigan group from 2007.) I say “folk” dance but it was a competition between ten college teams, so a lot of the groups worked in cute themes with their introduction videos — one had a Willy Wonka theme, there were two circus themes (probably a source of some consternation) and a couple I couldn’t figure out what precisely the teams were going for because I couldn’t hear very much over the clown with drums leading the “Go Blue!” chant a few rows over. (I was grateful to the group that subtitled their video.) I haven’t found out who won yet, but I really liked the University of Miami’s overall energy, Michigan State University’s choreography and University of Michigan’s costumes.

Of course I loved the costumes in general, which were all brightly colored and dripping with mirror embroidery, bold designs and metallic fabrics. From our balcony seats I couldn’t get a great look at the details (specifically I’m a little sketchy on how the dupatta is fastened to the top of the skirt) but the overall effect was dazzling, especially for the moves where the girls get flipped over the guys, which fans out their skirts. I liked Michigan’s costumes best because they looked sophisticated and very nicely done. The skirts had a huge amount of shiny decoration covering the front, and then the back was only lightly decorated, so the audience saw both the front pattern and the rich-colored fabric as the dancers moved. They kept to just maize and blue, too, but with the guys in mostly maize and the girls in mostly blue there was enough contrast to be interesting. MSU’s group, to me, went over the edge in the costume department: their costumes looked to be the most sumptuous with rich jewel tones and gold accents, but from where I was sitting the men and women looked to be wearing the same thing cut differently, and it was just a little too busy. Still, I liked their dancing best, so let it not be said I’m biased against Spartans!

Anyways, this is my version of a raas dancing costume, although it may not be accurate. The dupatta (the red veil part) was, I think, for most of the girls fastened at the waist, but I can’t really figure out how it works in real life and how to make it work for a paperdoll, so I’m afraid this version is just loose. (Cut it on the black dotted line, below the silver part.)

Anyways! Yeah, hello. Brian says that’s why he never makes New Year’s resolutions, because then you never do them anyways. So I decided to make a New February resolution, which was not to take any guff from my husband. In entirely unrelated news, here’s a paperdoll outfit.

Black and Blue Heavens Masquerade Gown with Jupiter-Inspired Underskirt and Gold Curls

Click for larger version; click for the list of dolls.

So, I hope you all out there are having good luck with your New Years resolutions, because I, oh, TOTALLY failed mine already. (“Draw more,” of course.) Yeah, sad, I know. I have no excuse, and I offer a fancy dress in penance.

I designed this one when drawing Diana’s masquerade gown, but I thought it would be a poor spy who would wear something so dramatic, so I drew the blue gown instead. But I did like the design, and so it didn’t get tossed with the rest of my sketches.