Celtic Gown in Green and Gold with Clovers for St. Patrick’s Day

Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version. Click here for the list of dolls.

Hey, happy St. Patrick’s Day! (As if I need an excuse for a green dress.)

This is a vaguely Celtic-style gown with red and white clover flowers and four-leaf clovers. Unsurprisingly, I like this style of dress, but — not having much familiarity with Celtic or Irish anything — I have no idea if it’s actually based in any sort of Irish historical fact, or if it’s more of a modern creation mainly suited for Renaissance fairs. Things like that bother me more than they should, and I tried to figure it out, but after about 6:00 a sort of feeling of “Whatever, it’ll be pretty, stop fussing over details” comes over me and I just draw what I have… Still, I think I’ll file this one under “fantasy” and not “historical.”

March Birthday Gown with Blue Tunic and Daffodils

Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version. Click here for the list of dolls.

Today, we have a March birthday gown; the birthstone is aquamarine and the birth flower is the daffodil. I always like doing these, but I have an uncomfortable feeling that in all these months I’ve been drawing them, I’ve skipped a couple of months entirely… I had better make a chart sometime.

“What do you think you’ll do today?” my husband asked me.
“Oh, a March paperdoll.”
“Like the Ides of March?”
“Well, not that kind of March.”
Please do refrain from getting backstabbed in this dress, the blue is far too nice to spoil!

I think I have pretty much recovered from being so horribly sick, so I’ll do my best to get back on the paperdoll schedule! (True, today’s is a little late, but where I am, it’s 10:30. That’s not even approaching midnight! Plenty of time.)

Spring Green Ballgown with Rainbow Sash and Underskirt

Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version. Click here for the list of dolls.

I ended up having the flu, and I’m almost feeling better; technically, I’m still coughing, my diet is still based around plain white rice and applesauce, and I haven’t tested that thing for a while where I get nauseous if I’m on my feet too long. But my mind has been better for a while now, and my powers of concentration have caught up enough to draw something. There is not much thought behind this one besides “I am so very bored of having the flu.”

My heart is with everyone in Japan affected by the recent disasters. I hope you will all keep them in your thoughts, as well. I feel like I’d like to write more, but it’s beyond me… I feel intensely grateful that the people I care about are all safe, and I pray for safety and peace in the time to come.

The Peignoir of Pestilence in Black

Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version. Click here for the list of dolls.

I’m feeling sick – or, rather, I’m feeling the impending doom of hurting ears and lightheadedness that points to about an evening’s worth of grace before I become useless for a couple of days. That gives me time to make a nice big vat of soup (chickpea noodle – the ailing vegetarian’s specialty) and draw a paperdoll outfit that lets me vent my frustration at a promising weekend being spoiled. I haven’t been sick in a while, but somehow that doesn’t make me feel any more cheerful! I was going to do all sorts of fun stuff, and now I will probably spend the weekend in bed napping and trolling Hulu for stuff to watch. (If you’d like to ease my suffering, please recommend shows or movies on Hulu that require little or no brainpower to enjoy. I have a particular weakness for ridiculous anime when I’m feeling sick, keep in mind ^^;;)

The last time I remember feeling really sick, I drew an outfit for the fairy of illness and disease, and I suppose it’s time to propitiate her once more. That outfit felt more formal to me, but this is just the sort of thing you need when you’re lounging around and being evil. The Peignoir of Pestilence, let’s say.

Depending on how I feel by Saturday, there may or may not be a new outfit in this space. I’m growing too tired to even really finish this one like it deserves, but I thought I had best post it anyways. You can kind of see where I was going with it, even if I didn’t get there in the end.