Evil Queen Wedding Dress with Black and Purple Trim

Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version. Click here for the list of dolls.

You may or may not have seen this, but there’s a line of wedding dresses based on the various Disney princesses. You can probably guess that I’ve got a soft spot for Ariel and the gang, and I’m certainly fond of my pretty princess gowns, but it seems to me like something was left out… The fact is, it’s the villains who deserve the most spectacular wedding dresses! If you really think about it, theirs ought to be even more wonderful than any ever made for your standard issue simpering, vacuously beautiful princess. I mean, wouldn’t that be part of the joy of being a villain? You don’t have to worry about looking modest or maidenly, frugality isn’t even in your vocabulary, and if anyone out there gives you static about your wedding colors or where you have your registry, well, darling, that is simply the kind of situation that pet dragons, leftover poisoned fruit or comic-relief henchmen were created for.

So, let us pretend for a moment that Snow White never quite made it to the little cottage in the woods, and there were no red-hot shoes or other such fates for the Evil Queen. (Did you know that in the Disney version she had a name? I didn’t, but it’s Queen Grimhilde, according to Wikipedia. There’s your trivia for the day.) After her husband’s unfortunate death, she found her own Prince Charming, handsome, lacking in empathy and appropriately weak-willed, and threw herself a wedding good enough for the fairest of them all. I like to think that eight sweet little village seamstresses went blind embroidering the trim on her dress, and that the lace underskirt — which you will note, isn’t even visible, although I assure you it’s fantastic — is stained a kind of rusty red with blood from the fingers of artisans working themselves to the bone to get it done before the big day. (Sure, it could have been washed, but why would she? She likes it better this way.)

Now, I don’t really think you could package this up and sell it to a modern audience. Why? They couldn’t handle all this fierce in one dress, that’s why. For most humans, it’s probably better to stick with an imitation of Cinderella or Belle.

I’m not entirely sure that this is small enough to print on one page – so if you print it and it doesn’t work, let me know and I will fuss with it. (It’s almost 11 PM, so I’m rapidly running out of patience…) Also, I think the collar would be tough to cut out; I think you would have to cut between the doll’s shoulders and neck and her hair, and then you would cut a line straight through the middle of the collar, so the collar would slip behind her neck. Or cut off the collar entirely, I won’t hold it against you. It won’t seem as evil, though – some sacrifices must be made to achieve the proper look, you know.

December Birthday Dress and February Birthday Dress from Liana’s Paper Doll Boutique

Click for the doll.

It wasn’t so much that I was uninspired today as it was that I spent a couple of hours on trazy’s requested coloring of the 1700s dress and then screwed it up, and even though I took some stabs at doing something easy after that, nothing quite seemed to work. So here are two dresses from Liana’s Paper Doll Boutique, which was the paper doll site that I ran around ten years ago, when I was in high school. This is the December birthday dress, with turquoise and white poinsettias, and the February one, with amythests and violets.

Colored Ruffle Gown in Ivory and Gold

Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version. Click here for the list of dolls.

Dani won my last contest, and she said, “Could you maybe do the ruffly dress from the 15th of May in some gold/creamy tones? Since it’s just turned into winter down here in NZ, I miss the warm tones of autumn :P”

I should have held off and not done two yellow dresses in a row, but oh well, it’s cute so I imagine you all can cope. Hope you like it, Dani! I wasn’t too sure about the black and white version, but I think the color really perks it up a little.

I find the poll results pretty curious. To those of you who voted “sometimes,” what precisely does that mean to you? A couple times a month? A couple times a week? If I make a dress I particularly like, or one that’s hard to visualize off the doll? If I make a really boring outfit that needs something else to make it interesting? Since I don’t have any sort of online dress-up option yet, I like having it on the doll, but I can see the logic in the arguments against it, too. I’m open to being swayed, here.

Meet Grace, the second in my new paper doll series!

Click for larger version with gown (PNG); click for PDF version with gown. Click for larger version without gown (PNG); click for PDF version without gown.

I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get another doll up. I’ve had this dress drawn for months, waiting for a doll to go with it — it’s that making a doll part that’s the problem! Grace here was actually made from my upcoming system that will eventually allow people to create their own dolls, but that’s not ready yet, so one doll will have to suffice for now. I think she turned out pretty well, so consider her a test of the system and let me know what you think! I named her Grace because it’s a name I’ve always thought was pretty, but it’s not one I can saddle any of my hypothetical daughters with, because any child born to me and my husband is bound to be woefully clumsy.

I’m wondering what you all think of putting the thumbnail clothes on the doll, now you’ve seen it a couple of times? Should I keep doing it? Take the poll, please!