Black and White Regency Gown for Coloring

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So I think that Saturdays will be black-and-white days, and Sundays I won’t post anything, but will try to sketch out the week to come. We’ll see how that goes… Anyways, for today just a plain Regency gown for people to color. Maybe for me to color at some point, too, but we won’t get ambitious just yet.

Regency Teddy Bear, Part 1, Drawn by RLC of Paper Thin Personas, Colored by Liana

Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version.

RLC, who runs the awesome paper doll blog Paper Thin Personas, drew this Regency Teddy Bear set to prove that she could do cute. As for me, since I started paperdolling again I just can’t put down the Prismacolors, and I’ve been thinking it would be fun to color this one for some time. (I’ve also had my eye on the Lady of the Manor set…)

There’s a Part 2, as well, so look forward to that! Thanks so much to RLC for letting me post her!

1893 Bathing Suit in White and Blue with Bathing Cap

Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version. Click here for the list of dolls.

I left it until too late, so I wanted to do something simple for today… This is just based off of a fashion plate of an 1893 bathing suit that I thought was extremely cute, even the silly little cap.

Still no one has guessed my favorite Prismacolor…

And also, the voting for the first week of Halloween costumes is still on, so don’t forget to vote! Feel free to suggest topics for the other weeks, too…

1885 Black and White Ballgown for Coloring, plus Purple and Green Princess Gown

Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version. Click here for the list of dolls.

I know, I know, AWOL again. I do really well when I get on a roll, and then I get off that roll and start rolling on something else. Yeah, I know… sad, huh.

Well, anyways! This gown is vaguely based on a couple of images of 1885 evening gowns that I have. I really like late 1800s evening gowns, although I’m really a big fan of the gowns of the 1800s in general… Although I don’t think the skirt is draped quite right I do think it turned out cute, and it sure is fussy, so here I put it up for hours of coloring fun, possibly even days if you really bother with every little rose and bit of lace. I really like coloring, and I will admit it is easier sometimes if I already have the outline done like with these – I don’t know how some of my kindred paperdoll blogging spirits can always work in black and white. I just sit here and pile up whatever Prismacolors I’m using, and I always sing to myself if I’m home alone, too.

Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version. Click here for the list of dolls.

As for this gown, Melanie Ann who won my guess-the-number-of-colored-pencils contest wanted me to color it in purple and green, so here we have, well, lots of purple and green! (With a little gold, because I just had to have a highlight color…) I hope you like it, Melanie Ann. However, I will say, I don’t think one piece of fabric can actually drape like that skirt does, so please overlook all paperdoll-related warping of reality.

I had fun coloring to someone’s specifications, so I wanted to do another contest. Here it is: Out of all my Prismacolors, which one is my favorite color?

As I have more than 100 different colors, this one might take a while… Here is a list of available colors.. Post your answer in the comments – guessing will be closed at 7:30 AM EST on Monday the 28th, unless no one guesses. Winner gets to tell me how to color that 1885 gown up there :)