Three More 1800s Dresses from Liana’s Paperdoll Boutique

Click for the doll.

I guess I’m not quite ready to return to that once-a-day ideal with this headache. That’s what you get for reading essays full-time! It’s too bad because now I’m all excited about paperdolling. But that’s OK, I’ll do one tomorrow… or Wednesday, perhaps, when I have a day off. But I’ll try for tomorrow!

These are the final outfits from the 1800 collection from my old site, Liana’s Paperdoll Boutique. I believe that the green caped confection is a reproduction of a bathing suit, although I don’t know what the reference was for that and can’t give any more precise details, as it was something like ten years ago after all.

Here, too, is this week’s poll… So in preparation for the plane rides I downloaded a bunch of short audiobooks off of Librivox, rather at random, and put them on my iPod, but I didn’t listen to all of them. Here are the candidates: what should I listen to next? (Keep in mind a paperdoll usually comes from whatever I’m listening to ;) )
The Big Bow Mystery, Carmilla, The Enchanted Castle, Otto of the Silver Hand, The Lone Star Ranger.

Mermaid Monday #5: Blue Seafoam Gown with Silver and Seaglass Girdle

Click for larger version; click for the list of dolls.

I’m back, and hopefully can get back to doing a dress a day. I was doing so well, too…

All my mermaid-y things are bound to have elements of Puget Sound for a while, since I went to visit my parents in Seattle and we spent a week at the beach. This gown is inspired by the way the waves break at high tide — the shawl and lace are meant to look like seafoam. Also, the silver girdle is set with pieces of seaglass. I count this as Mermaid Monday, because I figure they have to leave sometimes. (Brian thought this looked like the sort of thing one might wear to a wedding on the land.)

I haven’t done one since Cloud, so it’s not the best, but I’ll get back in the swing of things soon enough, I’m sure! (Cloud is turning out to be unexpectedly popular… I think I may have to redo his skirt, it’s too flat and bugs me to no end.)

Hobbit Girl Paper Doll for my Mom

Click for larger version.
I’m still on vacation (will be until Saturday) and trust me, I’ll have a lot to say about it when I’m back home! In the meantime…

I drew this hobbit girl for my mom a few years ago, I think for her birthday. My mom is a huge Lord of the Rings fan, and we both pretty much agree, if we were in that world we would make excellent hobbits. (Second breakfast? Yes please) So here’s a little hobbit girl with four outfits.

Anyways, I’ll be back home on Saturday, but between the red-eye flight home and the time zone changes, I might be too loopy to post anything for a day or two…