Hinawa’s Red and White Dress from Mother 3

Click for larger version; click for the list of dolls.

OK, I really can’t call this dress a costume, since it’s from a video game I’m very excited about, although it would make a good and easy, albeit verrrry obscure, Halloween costume. This is an outfit from the Game Boy Advance game Mother 3, worn by the main characters’ mother whose name is Hinawa. Mother is a series of Japanese RPGs, the second one of which is known in America as Earthbound. (The first one was fully localized, but never released in America.) Mother 2 (Earthbound) was a quirky, sometimes creepy, playful game which was extremely popular in Japan, but not so much in America. However, it became a cult classic and it attracted a huge, dedicated fanbase. They tried like crazy to get Nintendo’s attention, but even after sending Nintendo a petition to bring Mother 3 to America with more than 30,000 signatures, they were ignored. After Mother 3 came out two years ago and it was confirmed that there were no plans to bring Mother 3 out in English, they got together and made a translation themselves. It’s a fantastic game — if you liked Earthbound, please try Mother 3!

New poll soon…

Halloween Costume Series Day 12: Black and Purple Deadly Nightshade Evil Fairy Dress with Red Berry Jewelry

Click for larger version; click for the list of dolls.

So for some reason one of my most popular keywords these days is “printable paper dolls deadly night shade.” Hello out there, whoever it is who wants a nightshade paper doll! I hope you enjoy this one.

This fairy is a lackey for the Fairy of Malice, who you can see if you check out my old paper doll page and scroll a bit. And, I think, she also should make those of you who voted for skimpy costumes happy, and those of you who actually cut these paperdolls out sad, because I can’t imagine this being very easy to cut out!

Continue blasting back the zombies through the magic of paperdolls:

Halloween Costume Series Day 10: Queen Guinevere’s Gold-Edged Heavenly Blue Kirtle with Flowered Girdle and Crown

Click for larger version; click for the list of dolls.

I’ve got to log in for work — but I love you all so I’m posting this real quick with no story or complaining about how I don’t like the girdle. Thanks to rainbowjehan for help (way back when!) with Arthurian garments!

Last call for this poll…

Halloween Costume Series Day 9: Black Turtleneck Jumpsuit with Red Energy Dome from Devo’s Whip It video

Click for larger version; click for the list of dolls.

Here’s today’s entry, just mildly obscure (and thrown together quickly — there are days where, if the drawing and post take more than an hour combined, it just won’t happen, and today’s one of them). It’s the outfit the members of Devo wear in their video for Whip It, not forgetting, of course, the Energy Dome (and you can pretend there’s a little hard hat liner in there, too, if it pleases you). Brian’s favorite Devo song is Beautiful World but Whip It always puts me into a good mood when I’m feeling grumpy.

There’ll be a new poll soon, so vote in this one now!