Thanks to everyone who entered my paperdoll music outfit contest! I used to generate five numbers for me, minimum 1, maximum 19 (throwing out Carrie’s accidental double posts and Meggie’s straight request), and here they were:
- 15: Bella’s entry of Diana Ross and the Supremes
- 9: Meag’s entry of Lady Gaga
- 11: Keegan’s entry of Johann Pachelbel
- 12: Isobel’s entry of Concrete Blonde
- 14: Brian’s entry of The Nields
I kind of regret this contest, because now I want to draw something based on every single thing that was suggested. So I might have to do it again, if I enjoy drawing all the outfits that will come from it.
I will think about the winners, and try to devote next week to creating the costumes. Thanks to everyone who entered!