Black And White 1930s Evening Gown with Peplum

Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version. Click here for the list of dolls.

For today’s black and white gown, I decided on a 1930s evening gown. For one thing, a simple dress sounded appealing at 9 PM when I started; for another thing, we love our 1930s fashion around these parts, if the response to the white and pink gown is any indication.

Next week, I am going to tackle drawing the winners of my music contest; hopefully I can finish them off in one week. I’ll be skipping Mermaid Monday, but it’ll be back the week after that. (Maybe the Supremes will get a mermaid dress? We’ll see.)

Black and White Princess Gown for Coloring

Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version. Click here for the list of dolls.

The black-and-white dresses started as something I could do without running into scanner problems, but it turns out they’re fun and take about a fourth of the time as a regular outfit. So expect to see them more often! Again, if you color one I’d love to see it, so post a link in the comments!

So I ordered a new batch of colored pencils. Guess how many I ordered? Post your answer in the comments. I’ll close the guessing when I post Wednesday’s outfit (7:30 AM EST), and I’ll color this gown as the winner likes, as a little prize.