Halloween ’10: High Priestess of Paperdoll Halloween (With Bonus Red Version)

Click for larger version (PNG): black, red; click for PDF version: black, red. Click here for the list of dolls.

I don’t know if the other paperdoll bloggers would agree, but to me, Halloween is the supreme paperdoll holiday, so much that the thought of a month of costumes can pull me out of the deepest slump. In my humdrum real life I don’t like to be scared, and I don’t usually even bother slapping together a costume, but for Sylvia, Grace and company I’ve done some of my best work: poison-green masquerade gowns, cute ladybugs, scarecrows with real, entirely fearless crows. So let us celebrate this month together: we’ll enjoy closets full of imaginary costumes and, I hope, a couple of good stories to go along with them. I shall be the High Priestess of Paperdoll Halloween, and sacrifice dozens of Prismacolors to the pencil sharpener! And here is what I might like to wear for such a job, had I but fabric enough and time.

I myself may be a capricious and unstable sort of high priestess, but the patience of the multitudes touches my heart, so I offer a psychedelic sort of red version of today’s outfit as well.

Colors used: black, warm grey 10%, 50%, 70% and 90%, dark umber, sunburst yellow, goldenrod and pumpkin orange.

25 thoughts on “Halloween ’10: High Priestess of Paperdoll Halloween (With Bonus Red Version)

  1. I love both of them, but particularly the red one. As I’ve been blessed with a birthday actually on Halloween, I see more than my share of black and orange, so the warmer colors that don’t scream, “Halloween” are nice.

  2. i love this dress!!!-all of your dresses, atually. have you ever read Cap’O’Rushes? in the fairytale, the princess wears three gowns- a shimmmering silver “moonlight” one, a gleaming golden “sun” one, and a twinkling one covered in gems “like stars”. maybe you could draw them?

  3. oohhhh i love it! Maybe you could do a Indian Girl costume? I’m part Cherokee, so I would really love that!

  4. Total Awesomeness. Welcome back from your vacation away from paperdoll land. I would so love to wear both of those robes. You always do the best outfits.

  5. They’re so pretty! I would wear that in a heartbeat. And so powerful. I don’t go in for all that pink-sugary-gushing frilliness myself.

  6. Wow, I love the red. God, I love colors. The black makes me think of Harry Potter…like something Hermione would wear. I loved that series when I was younger. Lovely work!

  7. And, I agree with the statement that Halloween is the best for paperdoll-making. I would love to see costumes, like Alice in Wonderland and Drusilla! (Do any of you know who Drusilla is? Hint: A vampire from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, hee hee.)

  8. Beautiful! My birthday is also on Halloween, and so I’ve always love, love loved the holiday. I absolutely cannot wait to see the rest of this month’s dresses!

  9. Yes, Artemis! I love Drusilla, my favorite vampire. I was really hoping that Liana would make a Buffy paperdoll, or atleast start watching the show now that she’s got Firefly and Dollhouse down. ;)

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