Colored Ruqun in Green, Blue and Yellow

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Ophelia won my last contest by guessing that I had 400 colored pencils, which was the closest guess to the actual number of 403. She picked the ruqun and said, “I loved the movie Mulan when i was little, so what about a Mulan inspired dress? Mulan wears a different style of ruqun in the movie, so it won’t be the same, but what about the same colors; light green for the top and dark, almost midnight blue for the skirt, maybe navy or red for the sash.”

I added some detail, because I just can’t help myself, and Ophelia, I hope you don’t mind the little addition of the dragon… my mom wanted a dragon on this one, and it is certainly very hard to say no to my mom! Anyways, I hope you like it.

I like doing contests, because it’s fun to color according to someone else’s wishes every so often… I have to think of other kinds of contests to run. I was thinking I would ask “How many colored pencils did I just order?” (because I’m down to my last colorless blender… time for an infusion) but now I am bored of colored pencil counting. Anyone have any suggestions for me?

Purple and White Striped Towel In Honor of Towel Day

Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version. Click here for the list of dolls.

Today is Towel Day, in honor of Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy and other fine books. Why towels? Because towels are the one thing an interstellar hitchhiker should never be without, no matter what else they might lose. Not only is it useful in a wide range of situations (gas mask, blanket, improvised weapon, at least against creatures with sensitive skin) but it’s tremendously impressive to have braved the galaxy without once having lost one’s towel.

OK, I am the sort of gal who keeps her towels in the linen closet, but at least my creations can be hoopy froods, and I think Ivy would be the type to have a towel at hand during her journeys. As you can guess, there are some days where an interstellar hitchhiker is very, very grateful indeed for a nice big stripey towel. (And perhaps a safety pin or two, if the galaxy has any pity whatsoever.)

You can thank Brian for the copy of the Guide; he went on to suggest a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster, but I think that might be pushing it…

I really had no reason for putting up this poll, but thank you all for indulging me none the less.

Contest Conclusion!

As of May 18, I owned 403 Prismacolor pencils.

That means that Ophelia’s guess of 400 from the very first day was the closest one. Congratulations Ophelia — pick out a black and white dress (any of them, not just the most recent) and tell me how you want me to color it!

Thanks to everyone else for guessing! I’m sorry I made it go on so long, though…

Brian made this chart of what the votes looked like. Thanks dear!

Mermaid Monday #16: Blue Strapless Gown with Silver Sash and Ocean Pattern

Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version. Click here for the list of dolls.

I don’t really think this is the type of thing a mermaid would wear for a ball on land… too subdued. It’s got a melancholy feeling to me, as if the wearer would much rather be back among the waves, but barring that, she will settle for having them on her hem. And so I wonder what brought her to land in the first place? Is she a diplomat or an ambassador of some sort? Did she make an ill-advised marriage with a sailor or a prince? Is she cursed never to touch foot to salt water again?

Tomorrow is the end of the contest, so today is your last chance to guess! Good luck!

Question: How many Prismacolor pencils do I own as of May 18th?
This includes the ones that I use, all the stubby little pencils that are too short for my current sharpener but I just can’t toss, all the ones I have in reserve and my set of Verithin pencils I hardly ever use.

Just to restate the rules:
1) It’s a new year, so even if you’ve already won one, feel free to guess again.
2) One guess per person per post.
3) If no one gets the exact number by noon EST, May 25th, I’ll pick the closest guess.

No love for winter, huh? Winter is my favorite season until about February 3rd…