Silver Princess Gown with Blue and Rhinestone Underskirt

A silvery white gown with a delicate, small scroll pattern all over. The dress is off the shoulder and has large puffed sleeves over the upper arms. The bodice is tight and the skirt is bell-shaped. It's open in the front to show a dark blue underskirt covered with a pattern of rhinestones.Another princess dress! I’m still not ahead, but it’s not really a surprise. I haven’t had a lot of spare time this week and I’m just happy I finished this one! The design on the blue part is inspired by dresses I’ve seen on Pinterest like this blue gown. It’s the first time I tried this particular technique, I will probably use it often but refine it. I’m already wanting to change it on this dress, but… it’s time to post!

Next week, another princess gown! (But I will have something fun lined up for October, as Halloween is traditionally the most important paper doll holiday in my little world…) Don’t forget that you can now download combined color and black and white PDFs of all of my 2014 dolls and outfits for free! Also follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest for sneak previews, paperdoll thoughts and lovely jewelry. If you enjoy my work, I’d also appreciate your support through Patreon.

Halloween LOTR Costume Series #7: Galadriel’s White Layered Gown with Silver Circlet

Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version. Click here for the list of dolls.

I didn’t really intend to return to elves for the last day of this series… I wanted to do an Entwife with an orange blossom theme, but I got started too late and my patience with making a dress out of leaves and bark just ran out. You can always tell when I just want to get done for the day, because the dress will be white. No matter how crazy and detailed it ends up, if it’s white, it usually means I started out in a grumpy mood.

Galadriel doesn’t get a lot of description besides “white,” making her good to paperdoll on a grumpy day. I really rather like how this gown turned out, although if I was to redo it I would probably cut off the gauzy middle layer of material on the sleeves.

That makes my seventh costume for Halloween: a whole week of Lord of the Rings, all finished. Uh, those of you who have followed me for a while (like, for more than a week) may have figured this out already, but it’s slightly rare for me to finish up a project so well and consistently: it’s usually one or the other. (See also my poor dancing princesses…) I’m rather proud of myself. Since I don’t think masquerade gowns are likely to be upset at this late hour, I’m putting up a new poll just to satisfy my own curiosity… It’s rather unfair to pit the black and white elf dress against the others, because I think it’ll be lovely when it’s colored, but oh well.