My Fair Lady dresses from Liana’s Paperdoll Boutique

Click for larger version; click for the doll.

A weakness of mine, nine or ten years ago when I was drawing dresses like these for the Paperdoll Boutique, was always letting my desire for perfection (or completion, perhaps) take over, ultimately impeding what I actually wanted to do. It wasn’t enough to have one great outfit from a movie: they all had beauty and value and it was only worth doing if I did them all. Ideas and dresses I felt obligated to do crowded my mind and at a certain point it is easier to accept getting nothing done than it is to accept you can’t do everything you want to do. I do this all the time, and not just with paperdolls; I combat this tendency by drawing one thing a day, none if I’m just not feeling it (like tonight *yawn*) and not holding myself responsible for paperdolling every beautiful dress humans have ever created, or feeling guilty if I can’t draw everything waiting for its turn in my head.

But now I look back and I’m sometimes pretty impressed by the dedication I had to chronicling every single bit of something that I felt needed paperdolling. There are five in this group, here are two: and I guarantee you that at the time I felt bad that I didn’t get her dress from the ball.

Crown Collection from Liana’s Paperdoll Boutique

Click for larger version; click for the doll.

My apologies, I was quite lazy today and so must resort to crawling through the “Misc” folder of the old Boutique for material. The Misc folder is easily the most interesting one, containing as it does movie replicas, concoctions colored on the computer, outfits other people sent to me and the pets. But I’d forgotten all about these crowns. They must be from later in the Boutique’s history, I think I see the influence of the colorless blender. I think they might work on Sylvia, too…

Pink and Red Fairy Dress from Liana’s Paperdoll Boutique

Click for larger version; click for the list of dolls.

Honestly, I wasn’t quite feeling the whole paperdolling thing today after having three starts to another outfit go bad, so I decided to redraw one of the old Boutique fairy outfits. I’m not really thrilled with it, but it’s better than not posting anything at all…