Dragon Pet and Rat Creature Pet from Liana’s Paperdoll Boutique

Click for the doll.

Yay, I’m recovering! I’m still coughing like crazy and tire out pretty easily, but I can taste things again and my ears are almost starting to be normal again. In celebration, a couple of the paperdoll pets from the old Boutique. The dragon was sort of a mascot for a while, too, gracing the front page, while the brown critter is a baby rat creature from the comic book Bone.

So I was looking at my blog stats today and noticed a new blog, and the paperdoll website done by the blog’s owner. Annissa, I had no idea you drew such wonderful paperdolls! You all have got to take a look at them. The newest set is based on flowers and is fabulous (I love the Iris dress the best). And look – she has a whole book’s worth of clothes for Sense and Sensibility. My favorite, of course, is Princess Liana. I wish I could read her stories! There are a lot of other sets, too, with beautiful details and designs. You can use Google Translate to get an idea of the text; the translation software isn’t really accurate, but it gives you an idea of what the sets are about.

Revision of a Boutique 1800s Regency Gown in Sea Green with White Lace

Click for larger version; click for the list of dolls.

For Annissa! :)

I’m still a little sick, so it’s not the best one I’ve ever done, but it’s a good start on the path to doing a paperdoll every day again… Anyways, this is a redrawing of one of the 1800s regency gowns I did for the Boutique. I must have based it off of something, but it was ten years ago, I have no idea what it was based on…

Fairy of Illness and Disease in Black and Vile Colors

Click for larger version; click for the list of dolls.

I’ve been sick with bronchitis and ear infections since the 13th. As it is now the 23rd, and I am just now getting to the point where I feel better, if I don’t stand up and move around too much, and I may have to go to the doctor again tomorrow if this annoying bubble in my ears doesn’t go away, well, I am a little grumpy about the whole thing. Brian (who caught it from me just in time for Startup Weekend, the poor thing) and I have gone through bottles and bottles of ginger ale and I am quite thoroughly sick of Amy’s no-chicken noodle soup. Worst of all, my classes got reorganized since I was out for so long. I feel depressed and adrift and desperately unhappy, which is hard enough to feel without adding congestion, a persistent cough, ear infections and fatigue.

For Anna I drew a couple of evil fairy outfits when I was feeling down about things, which turned out to be some of my favorites from that series, so I thought it would be therapeutic to draw one for this series too. This fairy spreads illness and disease, and as you can see she is rather less restrained by her clothes than malice or bad luck. She’s quite efficient, beautiful in that consumptive way, and very fond of hideous shades of green. She seems to visit me more often than I would like. Maybe if I picture her and put such energy in her beloved shades of puce and chartreuse it will appease her, and then I can wake up refreshed, breathe deeply and take a nice, long walk.

Two Wedding Gowns from Liana’s Paperdoll Boutique

Click for the doll.

I’m not dead yet, although I really feel close to it right now. Here I had a glorious summer weekend coming up and I had all sorts of things planned, and then I caught whatever bug has been going around the place where I teach on Friday. Goodbye new kitten, goodbye tomato plants, goodbye movie date, goodbye paperdolling time, hello sitting in bed with a stack of comic books and glasses of ginger ale carefully refilled by my dear Brian. I still feel awful, but I don’t think there’s much competition for doctor’s appointments at campus clinics in the morning in the middle of summer, so at least I shouldn’t have to wait long to get in.

The best thing about this whole long miserable weekend was that I found that Castle Waiting is back. Expect to see a paperdoll from this series at some point, because it’s one of my favorite stories ever.

But in the meantime, I’m still miserable, so today there are only ten-year old wedding dresses. The good news is that I’m getting used to this whole teaching thing, and I’m not overdoing it anymore with the teaching job and the TOEFL job and the tutoring, so I want to get back to drawing soon…

oh, and I found the dresses that go with my blonde teenager doll. They were in a zip file titled “pd-useless-1.zip” and I know I am the harshest critic of my own work but, really, they weren’t THAT bad, what was I thinking? anyways, I’ll post them soon!