Masquerade Gown with Cherry Blossom Bodice, Pink Skirt and Sparkly White Ruffles

A masquerade gown with a white bodice, patterned all over with clouds of pink and reddish-purple cherry blossoms. The neckline is off the shoulders and slightly V-shaped, and is trimmed with a line of sparkling white sequins. The sleeves are three-quarter, and their edges are trimmed with more white sequins. There are long ruffles attached to the edges of the sleeves, and they are pink and patterned with abstract white swirls. The bodice extends over the top of the skirt and is gathered at one hip, decorated with a light reddish-purple bow. From the bow, four rows of ruffles fall towards the base of the skirt like a waterfall. Each one is covered with sparkling white sequins. The skirt is light pink, and falls to the floor. It is patterned with abstract white swirls.Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version. Click here for the list of dolls.

I admit I’m very proud of the sparklies on this one. Those are some serious sparklies. I will have to work hard to out-sparkly things tomorrow! The pattern on the bodice is from gimei, and the brush I used on the skirt is from Pixels & Ice Cream.

I’m running out of things to say about these recolored dresses! I’ll be happy to do new things. I’m thinking I’ll try for a Monday – Wednesday – Friday schedule…

3 thoughts on “Masquerade Gown with Cherry Blossom Bodice, Pink Skirt and Sparkly White Ruffles

  1. I can’t speak for other people, of course, but I find having a schedule really helps me stay organized. Knowing I need to get something up every Monday keeps me motivated, so I think you might find the schedule helpful.

    Also, it’s really nice to have you back with us here in paper doll blog land (it’s a small land… but really well dressed.)

  2. Somehow I seem to do best when I try to do something every day. In the past when I’ve tried to stick to a schedule, I’ll put it off until the last minute, but when I try to do something every day, every day has a last minute! It’s a bad habit…
    It’s nice to be back in paper doll blog land! I’m afraid I don’t comment much, but your updates always made me happy and made me think I’d eventually get back to paper doll blog land :) I’m glad you’ve kept up with it!

  3. I love this dress! Your website is so useful for inspiration. I make paper outfits and hope to one day turn them into real clothes. I love your website and thanks for all your help :)

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