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Note: Yeah, this was just an April Fool’s joke ^^ It’ll be English from here on out. Thank you for bearing with me, everyone!

26 thoughts on “4月のためのバースデイ・ドレス

  1. I pull up the site and go, what’s with all the little boxes? My work computer doesn’t load kanji! XD

    Lovely dress Liana, happy April!

  2. I like you and your site enough to go through Google, but I’m one of those people who’s absolutely and wholly incapable of learning a language. I simply can’t do it.

    I rather like this dress, the flowers almost remind me of Easter candy. Not the intended effect, obviously, but I think it works! (And now I want jellybeans. Real bad.)

  3. Please change it back to English! I’m college student and I don’t have the time to learn another languge or my grades will suffer. And I love your site but I hate that I can’t read your posts

  4. wakarimashita imasen!!! U will change it back…right? I have horrible japanese! (oh, and BTW to those who are panicing. The older posts aren’t in japanese) It’s a great april fools! I bet you spent a long time on it…. or used google translate…

  5. oh, and by the way, the poll question asks if you understand the post (I think, but I’m pretty sure)
    Sukoshi dake yomemasu means “I understand just a little”
    Iie means “no”
    Hai means “yes”
    Kyou wa nani mo wakarimasen means, roughly translated, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

    If i’m wrong… forgive me! My knowledge of japanese is very little!

  6. PLEASE change it back to English! I really cant learn another language. I just…cant. I’m crossing my fingers that its an April Fools!
    *Moving On*
    This April dress is amazingly Beautiful! I would kill to have a dress like this! The colors seem to pop out of the screen!

  7. I also hope this is just an April Fool’s Day joke. I have no desire to learn another language, to be frankly honest. :-) But I do love seeing the dresses and reading the posts, the English ones, he he.

  8. DDDDDDUDDDDES!!!!!!!!!!!! IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!! You see at the top of this post, it says “click here” ? If you click there, it will become english.

  9. I’m not learning Japanese…I’ve already been through that with Spanish, not going back…
    But, hey, I had it translated to English with Google Chrome. ^^ Can’t trick me! Hoping it’s an April Fools’ Day thing, though, ’cause it’s a bit of a hassle…
    Anyway, gorgeous dress! Kinda makes me wish I was born in April…sigh.

  10. Tee hee hee. Awesome post—made me giggle! My poll answer was 少しだけ… but I think you did a great job writing this up!

  11. What a lovely dress–and I agree with E, it makes me think of Easter candy! So sweet!

    Your dresses are always a lovely surprise, and whether you blog in Japanese, English, Esperanto, or Klingon, I will happily anticipate each new creation you present us!

  12. Please tell me this is April Fool’s. . .
    I love the dress, though. I recently found out that there was a set of birthstones before the “modern” ones were set. Maybe you could do a series of “ancient” birthstone dresses.

  13. I like the idea – I understand absolutly nothing but if there is a “CLICK HERE” of course I click there – just like the “drink me”-bottle.
    So in the end I was perfectly capable of understanding everything. Actually I like your suggestion of learning japanese together (a link to those learning websites would have been helpful) – although I guess thats also Aprils Fools. Anyway, right now I busy with learning spanish – two languages at a time is confusing.

    I wouldn’t mind other posts in japanese – as long there is a “click me” link :D

    By the way, very cute dress.

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