Watchmen: Described for Screen Reader Users

Watchmen is a classic comic book written by Alan Moore and drawn by Dave Gibbons, published in 1986. It’s set in an alternate history where the existence of superheroes changed American politics, culture and everyday life. I’ve described it panel-by-panel for blind and low-vision readers, including the supplementary material at the end of each chapter. Text within asterisks indicates bold text.

I hope you enjoy Watchmen! If you have any issues with the text or find any part of it unclear, please feel free to contact me using the contact form or through Twitter, where I’m @lianaleslie.

I also describe the comic horror webcomic Broodhollow and Mosscreek Divide. I’ve also written about how I approach describing comics.

Thanks to Zack Kline for proofreading and feedback and to my husband Brian for his constant support!

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Watchmen is copyright DC Comics, 1986. These descriptions are exclusively for use by blind people or other persons with disabilities. Any further reproduction or distribution in a format other than a specialized format is an infringement.

One thought on “Watchmen: Described for Screen Reader Users

  1. Hi Liana. I am a teacher working with a sightless person. Is there an oral narration of Warchmen by Alan Moore

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