iPad Dress Up Game Preview

An adult female paper doll, posing gracefully with one hand in front of her face and one stretched to the side. Her skin is dark and she has close-cropped black hair. The image is a work in progress, and she's missing her face. She's wearing a strapless white slip decorated with lace and white lace-trimmed slippers.Click for larger version (PNG).

I wanted to share what I’ve been working on instead of a new dress for this blog. Brian, my husband, and I are planning to do an iPad dress up game, and I’ve been working on the doll. I’m not all that good at humans, so drawing the doll is always the most difficult part for me, but I’m proud of how she turned out. Obviously her face isn’t done, though! She does, however, have several lovely skin tones, thanks to RLC at Paper Thin Personas who did the work to create a bunch of distinct, realistic skin tones.

Since we’re planning on doing a dress-up game, I’ve been thinking of dress-up games that I like. I mostly stick to the ones at Doll Divine. Especially in the last week or two of my pregnancy, I spent a lot of time with the Sari Maker and the Tudor Scene Maker. If you have any particular favorites, please share them with me! I like to see what works and what doesn’t, as far as the user interface goes.

12 thoughts on “iPad Dress Up Game Preview

  1. I love this idea. I will investigate the Doll Divine website as I am very new to dress-up games.

    Thank you so much for the dolls and dresses.

  2. I like Emerald Activities (it has a bunch of different makers and some people that use it can do some pretty amazing things with “cookie cutter” pieces) and Azalea’s Dolls (I believe Azalea partnered with Doll Divine for the Tudor maker and her site also hosts some dress ups from other sites…though I usually only use the exclusive makers so I can’t say how good those are).

  3. Aww… thanks for the shout out Liana. Good luck with your dress up game. :) Someone has already noted the one I think is the best which is Azealas Dolls.

  4. YAY! YAY!YAY! The great paper doll master has returned. I have missed you and your gorgeous work. It is great to have you back.

  5. One of my favorite sites is Rinmaru. Most of the games are good, though like every site there are a few stinkers.

  6. OMG! Thats super cool. What website did you download the photoshop program from? I’m interested to see how it works

  7. Thanks, everyone! :)
    Emilie, I got Photoshop at a steep discount when I was a student, which may be the way for you to go as well if you’re a student, but if you’re not it’s a pretty expensive program. They’re changing to a monthly subscription thing which might be better, or look into free alternatives like the Gimp?

  8. I’m a huge fan of DollDivine and Azalea from http://www.azaleasdolls.com/ (they work together a lot). Some of my favorites are the new LOTR, the Tudors, the Game of Thrones, the Goddess Scene Maker and Princess maker from Azalea’s, the Pixie maker, the four elements, the Roman Lady, and the Sari maker.

  9. I’m so excited to see that you’re back to blogging! When I first discovered your blog, you had just had Milo, so, of course, you stopped blogging for a while. Then, today, I happened to come back to your site, and I saw that you had new posts! Anyways, thanks so much for mentioning the Sari Maker; I love online dress-up games, and I love my Desi culture, so I’ve always been on the lookout for sari dress-up games, but I could never find any, and now, thanks to you, I have!

    PS: I realize that I’m commenting on a somewhat old post, but I really wanted you to know how grateful I am to you for mentioning the Sari Maker game and for coming back to your blog!!!

  10. I’d think it’d be cool if you included some of the dresses you drawn in the past into the dress up game. As to my favorite dress up game, I really enjoy the LOTR, the Game of Thrones, and the Tudors. They’re all my favorite–I guess choose something from each you like and use that as inspiration for your own dress up game.

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