Please welcome the long-awaited Audrey! I asked my mailing list and social media followers to vote in a poll to decide on her name, but both times there were problems with the poll. However, both times Audrey was way ahead, so I’ll be continuing the pattern of two-syllable names stressed on the first syllable. I’ve also done some work to streamline the doll-making process, as before this I was working from files that were confusing, saved in several different locations and so large they slowed my computer down considerably. So my hope is that the next doll won’t take so long to make!
As always, if you’re printing her out a lot of the outfits will need you to cut between her hair and her shoulders, so that the tabs can slip between them. She also has a version with underwear and a version with a pink dress; so far, the only outfit that doesn’t work with the pink dress is the mermaid tail.
Next week will be a princess dress like you’ve never seen before! In the meantime, you can download combined color and black and white PDFs of all of my dolls and outfits for free! (Even the 2015 ones – I’ve finally added them.) Also follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest for sneak previews, grousing about polls and gorgeous dresses. If you enjoy my work, I'd also appreciate your support through Patreon.