Blue Sequined Mermaid Gown Inspired by the Supremes

Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version. Click here for the list of dolls.

In my recent music contest, Bella’s entry of Diana Ross and the Supremes was the first one picked by the random number generator, so we are starting off the week with an outfit that I like to think they would have looked good performing in. (As this replaces Mermaid Monday, that did inform my color and dress shape choice…)

I didn’t really get into the Supremes until I started using; vague memories of singing Chapel of Love in middle school choir led to the Dixie Cups, then on to other girl groups until I reached the Supremes. Now I listen to the The Supremes-tagged radio all the time. I’d say my favorite song by them is I’m Gonna Make You Love Me. If I’m gloomy, singing that with as much power as I can always cheers me up. (There’s something even my husband doesn’t know about me! I don’t think he’s ever heard me really belt that one out. I tend to do it in the car.)

You may find your thumb going numb in solidarity when you look carefully at this dress. I don’t think I’m going to make a habit of sequins. Still, now I’m done, I’m happy with it, and I hope you like it too, Bella (and also Monica, I guess, since she also voted for the Supremes).

Prismacolors used: Black, Aquamarine, Denim Blue, True Blue, Light Cerulean Blue, Peacock Blue, Light Aqua, Peacock Green, Parrot Green, Sky Blue Light, Non-Photo Blue, Light Green, Black (verithin), Indigo Blue (verithin), Souffle white gel pen

19 thoughts on “Blue Sequined Mermaid Gown Inspired by the Supremes

  1. Mermaid birthday! Don’t tell my boyfriend but I think this was my best ‘birthday present’ all day even better than the weather and sunset. ^_^ I’ve been waiting all day to see what you would draw and this is wonderful.

  2. wow u made me do some research on these supremes and I love the voices so clear and pure, every word is distinct! thanks!

  3. Beautiful! You know, on this website, Poptropica, there’s a lot of cute costumes that you can use for ur paper dolls.

  4. Really pretty, reminds me of Ariel’s dress on the little mermaid when her father lets her be a human…

  5. I really like this dress. It makes me feel kind of like I’m looking up at the sky at night.

  6. Ohhh… Shiny. Beautiful work, as always. It reminds me the ocean at sunrise which is far more poetic then I normally get on a Thursday afternoon.

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