Ruqun in Black with Fire Colored Sash

Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version. Click here for the list of dolls.

Diane won my last contest, for guessing that I had 1,040 visitors on September 12th, and she wrote:
I’d like both the skirt and jacket in a shimmery black, and the trimming and belt on the jacket in a kind of “fire-colored” orange and red iridenscent type fabric. The jacket could also have some simple red-gold embroidery on it (nothing big). And the little dangly charm (I’m not sure what it’s called) could be of a gold thread/cord, with the circle ornament of green jade.

I hope you like it! I always like doing fire-colored things…

No one has won the next contest yet, so it’s still on!
What’s my favorite book?
Rules as always:
1) If you’ve already won this year, please don’t enter. (Music contest winners are OK to enter a black-and-white coloring contest though.)
2) One guess per person per day.
3) If no one gets the exact book by noon PST, September 17th, I’ll pick the closest guess.

Here’s your hint for the day: it was both written and set in the 1800s.

Gown in Pink, Green and Violet with Gold Sash

Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version. Click here for the list of dolls.

Hannah won my contest before the last one for guessing what kind of nail polish I was wearing, and she wrote:

I was thinking about maybe the Japanese “color dress” in pinks and greens and violets with maybe some gold as an accent on the sash..?

You might have noticed I don’t do pinks all that well, but I gave it a shot. (This is actually the reason I worked on my color chart yesterday. So thanks, Hannah, I might have never got around to replacing it otherwise…) Actually the finished dress reminds me of the Barbies I played with when I was a kid in the 80s. Totally Ruffles Barbie, anyone? Anyways, I hope you like it, Hannah!

This is my color warmup week, because you know what’s coming up? Halloween! October’s always been my favorite month to paperdoll, what with the Cursed Sisters and the Good Queen and all my other beloved costumes. And I’ve got plans for this October, oh yes I do… So I need to get well reacquainted with my Prismacolors before then. I’ve got Wednesday and Thursday covered with one for Diane and one for Brian, so that means I need someone to boss me around on Friday, too… Why not — this calls for another contest!

What’s my favorite book?
Rules as always:
1) If you’ve already won this year, please don’t enter. (Music contest winners are OK to enter a black-and-white coloring contest though.)
2) One guess per person per day.
3) If no one gets the exact book by noon PST, September 17th, I’ll pick the closest guess.

I’ve certainly written about books that are among my favorites, but I don’t think I’ve ever written on this site what exactly my favorite book is. If I did and forgot about it, feel free to use my spotty memory against me, but don’t bother googling “liana kerr favorite book,” I tried that already.

Purple and Blue Gown

Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version. Click here for the list of dolls.

I’m still not quite in the mood, as you can probably tell. But I want to be, so I’m trying. (Sufficient unto the day are the paperdolls thereof?)

I guess “paperdoll girls” isn’t inaccurate; I’m heartened, however, to see that there’s also the “paperdoll-people-my-age” contingent and beyond. Still, almost 700 votes? Wow. I’ve got a new poll for you, so don’t hold back…

Light Green Tea Length 1950s Prom Dress with Green Tulle and White Lace Sash

Click for larger version (PNG); click for PDF version. Click here for the list of dolls.

Today I started drawing so late that you are all lucky not to be getting the paperdoll equivalent of coal in your stocking! Even though I was tired I think this came out fairly cute, though. I don’t quite know why I thought a 1950s prom dress was just what I needed tonight, but they certainly are adorable. This one may even be a little understated, but did I mention I’m tired?