Women Airforce Service Pilot in Leather Jacket and Flying Suit with Goggles for Memorial Day

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Today is Memorial Day here in the states, honoring the men and women who gave their lives for our country. I happened to read a post on Metafilter about the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs), a little-known organization of more than a thousand civilian female pilots who flew missions in WWII, freeing up male pilots for active duty. I won’t restate the contents of the whole Metafilter post, but I do recommend you read it if you have some time. I used a couple of pictures from Blitzkrieg Baby as reference for this flight suit and leather jacket with a patch of the WASP mascot Fifinella.

Don’t forget, my contest is still going! No one’s got it yet, so please post your guess as a comment.

How many visits did my site get between (and including) April 1, 2010 and April 30, 2010?

Don’t forget the rules…
1) If you’ve already won this year, please don’t enter.
2) One guess per person per post.
3) If no one gets the exact number by 9:00 PM EST, June 2nd, I’ll pick the closest guess.
4) I’ll give one hint each day the contest goes on.
– Yesterday’s hint: It’s between 10,000 and 30,000
– Today’s hint: The middle digit is 6.

25 thoughts on “Women Airforce Service Pilot in Leather Jacket and Flying Suit with Goggles for Memorial Day

  1. This is so cool! I’ve read about WASPs in history but there was never much information. Thanks :)
    Okay, I like hints. Hints are good. I’m guessing 12,632.

  2. Today is officially the happiest day of my life. I have a color printer!!! Now I can print all of the amazing things on this site!!! Yayyy!

  3. –Yesterday’s hint: It’s between 10,000 and 30,000-
    Wow that is impressive Liana, but not surprising. For a paper doll site especially.


  4. I’m guessing 24,678

    and I just want to thankyou for doing what you do, I used to draw dresses, and when I visited your site I was inspierd to redo the old ones and keep going
    thanks a lot!

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