Blonde Paperdoll with Blue Morning Glory Ballgown circa 2000

Click for the doll.

Faith asked me to post — I think — this doll and her outfits. (I don’t think I did any others that fit the bill, is this the right one?) I drew her towards the end of the Paperdoll Boutique era, sometime in 2000. (Those butterfly clips were real cool when I was in high school.) My intention was to start off by redrawing all of the boutique dresses for her. Hah! Yeah, I got real far on that one. This is the “sneak preview” version, so I left in the text I added.

She never would have made a good mermaid, but she did have a handful of outfits — which is actually where I run into trouble. You see, I have a way of storing data on my computer that makes my husband cry. (Example: one of the most precious files on my computer is stored in nested folders named like so: Liana -> Projects -> Liana-old -> Text -> tempjunk. Why? I couldn’t tell you.) I’ve got zip files with unexplained names, and who knows how many files that open with programs I haven’t had for years. I like to pretend that someday I’ll sort everything out, but in reality I’m going to have to write in my will: “Burn my computer upon my death, it’s beyond redemption.” So, I know the rest of her outfits are there on my computer somewhere, because I’ve seen them within the past three months. But I don’t remember how I found them, and I couldn’t find them today. I’ll post them when I do find them, though.

Brian says he’ll help me find them, so all is not lost. “I’ll create a GUI using Visual Basic to see if we can track an IP address,” he says.

I’m sorry I haven’t been posting — I’ve been busy with some other things, and a little nervous about my new job, which I start tomorrow (teaching ESL classes). I should actually have some time once things calm down, though…

9 thoughts on “Blonde Paperdoll with Blue Morning Glory Ballgown circa 2000

  1. At least messy missing files in a computer are not slipping off of shelves and gathering dust on desks….

    ESL: Mermaid speak too?

  2. I confess I had to look up ESL, but now that I actually get it (wow, me understanding something? :D) that’s really cool!
    Your computer files sound like they’re as organized as most of my life…..
    Beautiful dress, as usual. :)

  3. Are you going to make more outfits for your paperdolls Sylvia and Iris?
    I love their otfits, especially the huge variation of designs. You make all from sience fiction garments to elegant historical gowns and that is why I like your paperdolls so much.
    I personaly look forward to some beatyfull Regency gowns for them, maybe from some book by Jane Austen. Your old paperdoll Anna has some of that.

  4. Annissa — yes, I do want to make more outfits for Sylvia and Iris :) Right now life has kind of caught up to me, between the new teaching job (my first, so it requires a lot of thought and preparation), the old TOEFL job that I’m still doing and my tutoring work, I feel pretty exhausted! But I think things will settle down soon, and I should be able to draw again…

  5. Actually, I should love to see the dark green Regency dress with white lace redrown for Sylvia and Iris!
    I really like that dress!

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