Pink and Yellow Chiffon 1940s Evening Gown Via Damn Good Vintage

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Julie the Vintage Goddess linked to me recently and said some very kind things about my dolls. She also buys and sells vintage clothing from her site Damn Good Vintage, so I was looking through her site and her blog for some inspiration when I found this post, “You Can’t Save Them All”. It tells of her attempts to restore two dresses, one of which was too stained to save, and one of which was a yellow and pink chiffon 1940s evening gown that cleaned up nicely, but tore easily and couldn’t be saved either. Well, if there’s one thing paperdolls are good for, it’s to right the wrongs of damage and time. Or to put it simply, Paperdolls 1, Real Life 0.

3 thoughts on “Pink and Yellow Chiffon 1940s Evening Gown Via Damn Good Vintage

  1. When I look at your dress and the real one I stop dead in my tracks. How wonderful each is and what a lovely job you did on the paperdoll. Bless Julie for caring about a beautiful garment.

    ps. You were a real artist for not going for the Sepia to outline

  2. Actually, I did this one twice, because the first time, I had it looking rather like this one, and then I thought I needed to outline a little more. So I picked up what I thought was a perfectly good pink… It wasn’t even a hot pink, just pink pink, but because the dress itself was so light, it looked garish when it was used to outline. I did one line and thought “hmmm…. This isn’t good…” but of course I kept going and regretted it. I did the first dress in the morning and kept looking at it all through work, thinking that I might like it better, but I didn’t and redid it after work :)

  3. Hello. I’m Rachelle, from the Philippines. I really love this dress, I love the color and the simplicity of the gown. And I was wondering if I could use your design to make an evening gown that I can use for a formal gathering. Please e-mail me. ASAP. :) Thank you. Continue posting your artworks. God bless.

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